dating drama
The following story is not my own. Lately my dating life has been drama-free. Sadly this is because it has been non-existent. It's been a while since I've had a date. Unless you count the fireman a few weeks ago- which I don't. Yes, that fireman. The one who stood me up several times. Trust me, I've learned to ignore his calls and text messages. But this story isn't about me...
Last Thursday, I was feeling particularly stressed at work. I explained to my co-worker that this was the reason I enjoy Grey's Anatomy so much. The drama on Grey's Anatomy offers me an escape. So he asked me if I wanted to hear about his brother's recent dating drama. My response, of course, was "Yes, please." This is the full-story of the drama diversion.
My co-worker's brother ("the brother") went out on a date last Wednesday. The girl is a co-worker of the brother's roommate's girlfriend ("the girlfriend"). The girlfriend is practically a roommate, too. Now my definition of a roommate is someone who shares apartment responsibilities such as rent and bills. The girlfriend simply lives there rent-free. In my opinion, this is already a recipe for disaster.
So the brother goes out on a date with the girlfriend's co-worker. Early on in the evening, this girl reveals that she nearly canceled the date. She goes on to explain that she had been getting messages on Facebook warning her about getting involved with him. She says that it was his roommate who was telling her to be careful. There were stories about his relationship with his ex-girlfriend, none of which were true. The messages also seemed to question his character. It didn't take the brother long to realize who was behind all of this. Not the roommate. It was the girlfriend. She had been logging on to her boyfriend's Facebook, pretending to be him, and sending these messages filled with lies. Um, let's start with the basic problem with all of this. SHE IS LOGGING ON TO HER BOYFRIEND'S PROFILE, and he doesn't know it. Who does that? How can you have a relationship when you invade that person's privacy and violate their trust?
So now what is the brother supposed to do when he goes home? The girlfriend is going to be there. It may not be official, but they are roommates. Instead the brother decided to avoid the apartment by meeting my co-worker at a bar. When they both went back to his place, it was obviously awkward and tense. He knows that the girlfriend tried to sabotage his date. According to my co-worker it is "obvious she has a crush on him." So what is he supposed to do?
The brother told his roommate who didn't seem to react. He hasn't decided if he is going to confront the girlfriend about what she did. Currently his plan is to avoid the apartment as much as possible. This drama directly affects my co-worker. Until he and his brother finalize the paperwork on the apartment they are buying, he is homeless. He was often sleeping on his brother's couch, but now he is also trying to avoid the apartment. They both are. I know I should feel guilty about enjoying this story so much, but it really did make me feel better last Thursday.
Dating in this city is already difficult and often full of drama without people trying to complicate things on purpose. The girlfriend is crazy. Seriously.
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