Monday, March 06, 2006

cam confession #14

Today I bought a Diet Coke because of the commerical I saw yesterday.

Each year I look forward to the Super Bowl mostly because of the commericals. They are usually funny and original. I can actually remember specific commercials that aired during past Super Bowls. This year I was disappointed. Not only was the game unexciting, but the commercials were too. Not even Jessica Simpson's Pizza Hut commercial was worth watching.

Apparently all those creative commercials I was hoping to see during the Super Bowl were saved for this year's Oscars. I was impressed. Not only was the show interesting, but the commercials were too. Had they given an Oscar for Best Commercial, I would have voted for the Diet Coke commercial. Not the one where the girl is rollerblading around, but the one where the guy and girl end their first date. He gives her a quick kiss on the cheek, then they part. However, the magic of the Diet Coke inspires him to run back and kiss her right. I loved it. It inspired me.

Not only did it inspire me to take risks while dating, it also inspired me to drink more Diet Coke. Shameful, I know.


Blogger Kerri said...

i finally saw that commercial.. you are so right! the little sparkly bubbles coming out the top of the bottle... it's too much!

hope you're having fun with the tyrant!

2:11 PM


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