Monday, February 06, 2006

when you lose something you can't replace

In the process of writing my last post, I lost the one about quitter's remorse. I needed that experience documented. Since moving to New York, I often feel I am writing for an audience rather than for myself. But I wrote about quitting my job and wondering if I made the right decision as a way to deal with the stress of it all. When I began to doubt my decision, I could just reread what I had written and remember all the reasons I needed to quit. But now I can't. It's gone. Does anyone know if I can recover that post?


Blogger The Cynical Tyrant said...

it was the longest post i've ever read in my entire life.

7:57 PM

Blogger i am cam said...

haven't you read your own posts?

some of them are pretty long...

9:46 PM

Blogger The Cynical Tyrant said...

i don't read my posts.

yours was the longest post i've READ in my entire life.


11:44 PM

Blogger i am cam said...

well, i'm glad you read it.

now that it's been found, you can read it again and again.

10:23 AM


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