Wednesday, June 15, 2005

thoughts on being single...

I am alone.
Do not read this incorrectly. I am not saying that I'm lonely. Just that I am single. This fact was quite noticible this last week on the cruise. Our crusing group was Mom/Dad and Sis/Boyfriend. And me. At dinner our table was set for 6. It was a stark reminder that I was alone. Not part of a couple. Just me.
All of a sudden, it seems as if all my single friends are no longer single. I am very happy to see my closest friends become part of a couple. Sure, I get a little less of their time. But luckily I have friends who don't act annoying when they are in the couple in a larger group. There might be hand-holding, but nothing to the point of making me feel like I don't belong. Definitely none of that honey-bunny, lovey-dovey crap. Even when I was traveling with two couples on the cruise, I never felt like I didn't belong. Though I did have to endure a little of the petnames.
I want a relationship.
Do not misread this sentiment. Of course I want a relationship. I love the idea of having someone to experience new things with me. Someone to connect with on an emotional, physical and romantic level. But the key word in my sentence is want. I don't need a relationship to be happy. I'm not just sitting around waiting until I have someone to join me on adventures. I'm independent, and I don't need a relationship to enjoy life. However, in the past I've learned that sometimes it is nice to have someone to share my experiences with- whether in the moment or later as a story.
There is freedom being single.
As I've observed the relationships of my friends, I've become more aware of the positive aspects of being single. First of all, my time is my own. I can give me time to anyone at anytime. I'm not by any means suggesting that my friends who are dating someone give all their time to that person. But the truth is, if you want a relationship to continue, then you do have to give some time and energy to that person. Isn't that what dating is all about?
I also noticed that I have fewer responsibilities. When dating someone, we have to acknowledge that what we do or say might not only affect us but also the other person. For example, on the cruise there was a man who was hitting on both Sis and me. Considering he was considerably older, we both faces some of the same consequences had we encouraged or acted upon his flirtations- namely the wrath of our father. Had I decided to throw caution to the wind (and ignore the creepiness of the situation) and have a fling with this man, apart from the disapproval of most everyone I know, my choice would have only affected me. However, Sis would also have been hurting Boyfriend, their relationship, his trust, etc.
Throughout the cruise I noticed that Sis and Boyfriend participated in nearly activity together. Which was fine. Whenever they decided to do something on their own, they first let the other one know. But I enjoyed being able to do my own thing, without feeling I need to let anyone know where I was going or what I was doing. And on most nights, I chose to go to the casino where I was free to flirt with the cute casino dealer.
I am happy as a singleton.


Blogger The Cynical Tyrant said...

don't worry. i will always hold your hand.

i think kerri will, too.

12:43 AM

Blogger i am cam said...

thank you. i was worried that maybe i was weird. but then i went to ask allison.
it is okay for me to hold your hand. because you are hot.

2:34 PM


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