Wednesday, June 01, 2005

cutting ties without burning bridges

Just recently I realized that I do not want to have any new reasons to stay here. I have plenty of reasons for coming back. But when the time comes for me to pack my bags and move away, I don't want to worry that I am making the wrong choice. I don't want to make any choice at all. It has already been made. I am going away for grad school. I guess I just don't want the leaving to be any harder than it has to be. I am very excited about my move. And I know that I have made the right decision. However, I have already begun to realize all the things I will miss out on while I am away. My friends plan parties and activites they'll do in the fall. They joke that I can fly back for it all, but I know that I can't. And so, I am avoiding anything and anyone that might give me reasons to doubt my decision. Because leaving means saying good-bye. But at the same time, I know that I can walk right back into the lives of the people and community I love. I won't let anyone be my reason for staying, but there will be plenty of people who are my reasons for coming back. At least at holidays...


Blogger Kerri said...

that makes me feel much better. since you're pretty quiet about the whole thing, i was beginning to wonder if you were ever going to come back! but i do think you should live it up before you go rather than cutting the ties to prevent yourself from feeling more pain. life is too short for that.

12:51 PM

Blogger The Cynical Tyrant said...

does that mean you aren't going to hang out with me all summer because i don't want you to leave me?

1:00 AM


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