Thursday, March 03, 2005

cam confession #4

I have become too yelly. My friends and I like to make up words that we feel express our thoughts better than actual words. Yelly is one of our commonly used words. As you might suspect, it means I yell. A lot.
Most of the time when I am being yelly, it simply implies that my voice is loud and my tone goes higher. Almost ultrasonic. Only dogs can hear me... I rarely yell when I am actually angry. More often it is when I am not getting what I want. Or I feel someone isn't communicating with me the way I would prefer. Though I am not sure why I think yelling would make the communication any better. I just tend to get excited about whatever it is that I am talking about and as a result I get louder. And higher. My friends tell me it is yelly.
I recently called a friend to remind him he needed to pay his deposit for a trip we are planning. He was leaving town that night and would not be back before the deposit deadline. As a result, there was yelliness. I loudly asked how he planned to pay the deposit if he wasn't going to be in town. I wasn't mad. For some reason, I just became yelly. As if saying it louder and squeakier, would somehow get my point across more effectively.
When I am actually angry, I tend to get quiet. Very quiet. It allows me time to think through my anger and choose my words carefully to express my feelings. I've written some emails when I have been angry and I say things that I would most likely regret. Thank goodness I never send those emails. Instead, I take time to be quiet. Then I call, write, confront, forgive or forget.
If I am being yelly, don't worry. Sometimes it is my silence that says more about me.


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