Friday, September 09, 2005

the surreal reality: I live in New York City

Today was one of those days. The kind I know will make people jealous that I'm living in New York. The kind of day that makes me excited that I live in New York.
Even though classes have officially started, mine are only Monday through Wednesday. Which means, I only had 1 class this week. So I decided that I need to take advantage of my free time while I still have it. Today I decided to also take advantage of free admission to a museum. My grad school maybe be fancy and expensive, but at least I get free entry into most of the major museums. I chose the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA). Arriving by subway and exiting at the wrong stop, I discovered I was only 1 block from the MoMA making my mistake actually not so much a mistake.
I got my free ticket and wandered around each of the levels of the museum. I didn't go feeling the pressure to look at everything. Today was simply an overview. I get in free. I can go again. It was great being in such a cultural place. Not only because of the art, but because of the people. All around me I heard a variety of languages being spoken. It was actually kind of noisy in there.
After leaving the museum, I headed north to Central Park. It was a beautiful day, and so I took advantage of the weather. I walked through Central Park just enjoying being outside and being in New York City. As I was taking it all in, I found myself thinking I live in New York City, I live in New York City. Sometimes it all still seems so surreal.
After successfully wandering my way through the park and back to the street, I walked over to the Lincoln Center. I live in New York City. I got on the subway, a little concerned about the time on Friday afternoon. But I survived the crowded subway and easily made it back to campus. I don't know where I'll go explore tomorrow, but I'm looking forward to it. I live in New York City.


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