Tuesday, September 06, 2005

case of the missing chinese food

One thing I have discovered about New York is that everything is very expensive. On Friday, I had a hamburger that cost $15. I'm of the opinion that if it is on a McDonald's menu it should not cost $15. Last night I was excited to discover a Chinese restaurant that was nearby, tasty and affordable. The best part was that I had leftovers which meant I got 2 meals for the price of 1. My dinner plan for tonight was last night's Chinese food. I had anticipated it all day.
After attending a (free) wine and cheese reception at school, I went home hungry and ready for dinner. I went to the fridge to get my Chinese food to reheat. Um, where is it? I live in a suite that has two refrigerators so I thought maybe I put it in the other one. No leftovers. So I called my friend to see if she remembered what I did with it. She didn't know either.
Here is the problem: I had been anticipating eating it all day. When you have something stuck in your mind that you want, it is very hard to give it up or accept something else. Even if there is the possibility of something better. I wanted that Chinese food. So I searched. I looked in my room to make sure I hadn't left it in there. I looked in the garbage to see if someone might have thrown it away. No, I was not still planning to eat it if it was found in either of those two places. Yes, I did thoroughly wash my hands after the second search.
Even after settling for the Thai noodle soup-for yet another meal- I still haven't been able to accept the fact that my Chinese leftovers are missing. So far the options of what might have happened to my missing Chinese food are as follows:
1. Someone ate it
2. Someone threw it away
3. I forgot it at the restaurant
I may never solve this mystery, but I do know I'll be needing to go get more of that Chinese food in order to rid myself of this hunger for what is missing.


Blogger Babs said...

ooooohhhhhhhh that is the worst. i hate that.

ps - i love that you would have eaten it if you found it in the trash. sweet.

8:54 AM

Blogger i am cam said...

i would NOT have eaten it if i had found it in the trash. gross.

9:11 AM

Blogger Kerri said...

i'm frustrated. where is that chinese food?!?!

10:08 AM

Blogger linz said...

It was probably one of your suitmates and they must have destroyed the evidence.

11:32 AM

Blogger j-lay said...

i confess. i ate it, and it was so good. i love chinese food.

1:16 PM


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