Tuesday, July 19, 2005

cam vs. asia

3 countries in 3 weeks. I thought I was up for the challenge. I did it last summer when I went to Greece, Italy and Germany. But this time it was SE Asia. But I didn't think much about it. After all, I had lived in Thailand for two years. It couldn't be too difficult.
Country #1: Thailand
Though I believed I had an advantage, Thailand still beat me. First, I wore the worst possible shoes for walking the streets of Bangkok and developed blisters that still haven't healed after 3 weeks. Next, I lost my new sunglasses. Considering they only cost me $5, the loss wasn't too sad. But still, a loss is a loss. Then there was the wallet incident. I not only lost the wallet itself, but also the important contents. Without a credit card, an ATM card, and with limited cash, I was definitely at a disavantage as I prepared to travel to country #2.
Country #2: Cambodia
I had once before navigated my way into and out of Cambodia, so I considered myself ready this time. Little did I know the challenges I would face. Namely, a sore throat, a terrible headache, and lots of chills in a tropical climate. After 2 days of feeling miserable in Cambodia, I hoped I was ready for another border crossing and country #3.
Country #3: Vietnam
Having slept over 12 hours in the previous country, I began to feel much better as we crossed the border into Vietnam. Additionally, the landscape began to improve and the overwhelming signs of poverty in Cambodia began to fade away. I had hope that Vietnam would finally be a place where I could be worry-free. The first few days there were fine. My feet were still painful due to those shoes I now hate. But at least I was feeling better (apart from the cough that I would develop at night).
At the beach where I planned to relax for 4 days, I slowly began to panic. Not only were my feet still aching, but my left foot was also beginning to swell. And each day it became a bit fatter. I soon began to limp my way to the beach and back. Something was definitely not right. Suddenly, I no longer wanted to be on my vacation. I just wanted to be back in America where I could go to a doctor that spoke English and could diagnosis this very weird condition. Unfortunately, I had to endure 18 hours of plane time to get back to America. I was wrong when I thought my foot couldn't swell anymore.
Home: USA
Ignoring my dad's advice to just drink lots of water and I would be fine, I went to the doctor yesterday. She was worried that I might have developed a blood clot in my leg. Luckily and surprisingly, I had not. I have now been ordered to do nothing this week. I am supposed to stay off my foot and keep it elevated.
And so, I finally admit defeat. I fought a good fight. But Asia beat me. It continues to beat me, and I'm not even there...
No, I'm stuck here on the couch. Where I will be. All. Week. Long.


Blogger The Cynical Tyrant said...

at least you're not at work.

and at least you got to keep the foot.

you're very pretty.

9:08 PM

Blogger j-lay said...

true dat, CT is right. you're not @ work. you can watch the game show network all day long.

10:38 AM

Blogger Kerri said...

your poor foot...

we miss it.

and we miss you.

10:09 AM

Blogger The Cynical Tyrant said...

i don't miss the foot.

i do miss cam.

5:10 PM


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