Saturday, July 09, 2005

When a guy I like disappoints me...

Usually if I like a guy and I get hurt, it's emotional. But recently I have experienced real, physical pain. Steve Madden has not only caused disappointment, but also lingering pain. Steve Madden is my favorite shoe designer. I own at least 8 pairs, and I'm not a girl who owns a lot of shoes. I love all of my Steve Madden shoes. At least, I did...
On the day I went to visit my school in Bangkok, adhering to the dress code, I wore a skirt, a jacket and shoes with a back. Putting fashion before comfort, I wore a pair of my brown Steve Madden shoes. I wish I had gone with my running shoes. Or at least brought my Steve Madden sneakers. Within 5 minutes of walking to catch the skytrain, I realized I would need band-aids to protect my heels. After my 5 minute walk into the schoo, the band-aids had been shredded. My heels didn't fare much better. I quickly went through all the band-aids I brought, the ones I bought, and the ones C.T. gave me.
A week and two countries later, my feet still hurt. I blame Steve Madden. I foolishly overlooked the pain I knew would come from wearing those shoes. And now I have been hurt... and quite possibly scarred.
And yet, I still have the Steve Madden shoes. They'll go home with me. And I'll probably repeat the same mistake. I'll hope that this time I'll be wrong. That these very cute, brown Steve Madden shoes will not hurt my feet. Again.


Blogger The Cynical Tyrant said...

if i hear one more thing about those shoes and your wounded feet that you keep making me look at, i may have to break up with you.

these two weeks of cam's painful feet have been almost as painful for me...

7:27 AM

Blogger The Cynical Tyrant said...

ps: i am sitting right next to the feet in question as i comment on this blog.

in vietnam.

7:36 AM

Blogger i am cam said...

and if you would look at them you would clearly see, something isn't right.

my left heel is noticably swollen. and slightly purple. and i type this just to gross you out C.T. because you won't look for yourself.

7:39 AM

Blogger The Cynical Tyrant said...

that's it. just because you went too far with the feet, i am leaving tomorrow.

at least i didn't keep making you look at my swollen face all day today. or at the various colorations of my snot for the past 5 days.

or that stuff i coughed up last night.

keep your feet to yourself.

7:42 AM

Blogger i am cam said...

i liked your swollen face. it gave you sexy angelina jolie lips. you look hot.
see. i'm nice when something on YOU isn't right...
by the way, C.T. did have sexy, angelina jolie lips. but she wouldn't let me take a picture. i wanted to. trust me.

you coughed up stuff? was it green?

7:47 AM

Blogger Kerri said...


3:05 PM

Blogger The Cynical Tyrant said...

yes, my lips were gross. that's why i did not allow photos.

or maybe because i thought i WAS angelina jolie, and famous people get to tell paparazzi not to take photos.

7:43 PM


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