Sunday, April 03, 2005

It's My Birthday!

Once again I plan to celebrate my birthday for as long as possible. I kicked it off on Friday by wearing my It's not my birthday shirt. When students asked me why I was wearing the shirt, I told them, "because it's not my birthday." Which then allowed me to remind them that my birthday is on Sunday. When I wore the shirt to dinner that night, it also got me lots of attention. And early birthday wishes.
Last night was my karaoke birthday bash. I kicked things off right with my infamous "I will survive" classic karaoke song. Later I debuted my new hit, Tracy Chapman's "Give me one reason". The karaoke DJ bought me my first shot. I was a little worried about the drinking since I've been so out of practice with lent and all. But I held my own. The party was SO fun. Good drinks, great friends, lots of singing...
Today is my actual birthday. Though it won't be the last of my birthday celebrating. I'm going shopping with Mom and Sis. I'll be wearing a borrowed Birthday Girl shirt that I made for 'Scarlett Morrow' on her birthday. Which means there should be lots of birthday love coming my way.
Happy Birthday to me!


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