Monday, March 21, 2005

When Harry Met Sally

The tagline for When Harry Met Sally asks, "Can two friends sleep together [or 'cudle' together] and still love each other in the morning?" I have a friend who uses this movie to support her argument that men and women can't be 'just friends'. I have a hard time accepting this argument. Maybe because I'm idealistic. Or maybe because I'm stubborn. I don't like the idea that I might be wrong. In the past year, I've developed a lot of close friendships with guys. And for this reason, I have trouble accepting the 'Harry Met Sally' theory.
I can understand the reasoning behind this supposition. For me, being friends with a girl is easier than being friends with a guy simply because I won't have to worry about having an attraction to my girl friends. Whether you are relieved or disappointed, that's just the way it is.
The attraction, sexual chemistry, or whatever you want to call it, can make a guy/girl friendship more complicated. But I like having friends of the opposite sex. Guys provide new perspectives, interactions, etc. As I've gotten older, I feel I've learned better how to develop relationships with guys. Sure, I have moments when I ask myself "Is this more than just friendship?" And I'll admit that there are sometimes when I would like for it to be. And even if it at some point, we dance around the idea of a dating relationship, it doesn't necessarily end the friendship. It might change, but I think most friendships go through changes.
I guess it is a fine line. But it is worth the confusion, because in the end I have some amazing guys in my life. In response to the tagline, I say yes. It just makes things a little more interesting.


Blogger ago-go said...

i'd really like to believe that but i've never been able to make it work. every time i've had male friends, someone (occasionally me but usually them), develops feelings that go beyond friendship and things get weird. and then the friendship fades out gradually because of jealousy, or bad feelings, or the stress of the ambiguity of it all. either that or it just never ever gets to the same depth or closeness of friendship that i have with my girlfriends. and that's too bad. and i'd like it not to be that way...i feel like i'm missing out.

2:02 AM


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