Sunday, October 01, 2006

at the Yankees game

This was my third time to go to the ballpark. The first time I was high up in the stands, fearing the hights. The second time I was in the bleachers enjoying being close to the ground, but unable to see much of the game. Yesterday we had tickets in almost the exact same spot as the first time we went to the game. Especially ironic since both of those were games against the Bluejays.
So I took a deep breath and prepared myself as I faced my fear of heights. I will admit, these seats were still much better than the bleachers. It was fun. Though I only stood when they told us to stand for God Bless America. I feel much safer sitting in my seat.

This picture is from the April game, but I had the same view yesterday. I was sitting up on that third level. Trust me, it's high.


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