Tuesday, September 26, 2006

cam confession #15

I didn't take a risk. And now I regret it.

For someone who believes in taking risks and doesn't believe in having regrets, this is problematic. I've been thinking about this confession for a long time. It all began last winter when I was dating a guy I wasn't sure I really liked. The truth is, we had a great time together. Even though we didn't necessarily have a lot in common, I always had fun with him. He planned great dates that included ethnic restaurants, art museums, watching movies and football.
But when I began to sense that we were close to having "the talk," the one in which we decided to define the relationship, I freaked out. I was too scared to be called his girlfriend. So I didn't take the risk. I let the relationship end.
Granted, it wasn't entirely my fault. But I still let my apathy and fear stand in the way of me taking a risk and seeing what might happen.
I regret my decision.
But I suppose I live and learn. Maybe the next time I meet a nice guy who actually wants to spend time getting to know me and dating me, I won't freak out. Maybe.


Blogger d said...

You'll probably still freak out. The key is being honest about that - sharing it with your partner and letting him help you sort out the pieces.

If he can do that, than he's a real keeper. And if not, than you were right to freak out, and you just saved yourself a realationship.

Dominic Ebacher

4:19 PM


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