Tuesday, November 08, 2005

separation of church and state: yes or no?

Today I inadvertently found myself caught in the middle of an email controversy regarding a very sensitive subject: defining marriage under the law-
 Sec. 32.  (a)  Marriage in this state shall consist only of 
the union of one man and one woman.
        (b)  This state or a political subdivision of this state may 
not create or recognize any legal status identical or similar to 

I received an email from a girl I don't know very well. I was encouraged by her to vote in favor of the above proposition to stop the "liberal activists who are chipping away at our religious liberties and freedoms." When I read her email, I wondered if she really meant what she was saying. One person responded back and thanked her for sending the email but concluded that he didn't really support her reminder to vote for the proposition (being one of those 'liberals'). Then another person I don't know wrote back addressing his email to "those who are genuine seekers of God's truth." This was starting to sound like the New Jersey Governor name-calling ads I've had to watch. I can't believe these emails sent back and forth between Christians. It makes me wonder- should politics and religion overlap? Christians take religion into politics, but should we take politics into religion?


Blogger j-lay said...

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12:30 PM

Blogger j-lay said...

i was saddened by the outcome.


12:31 PM

Blogger The Cynical Tyrant said...

did anyone watch Arrested Development this week? it was the Church and State Fair. SO FUNNY! an attempt to bring the two together.

1:33 PM

Blogger i am cam said...

to address the side note of tfs- people in new york agree with the group arguing about the poor wording.
today i received an email expressing that texas is one "dumbass state" because they essentially ban marriage of any kind through the amendment.

this is so embarassing.

3:50 PM

Blogger Jess said...

I got that email as well, and I had to forcibly restrain myself from responding. That's one of my hot button issues, and I really hate it when people who don't even know what I believe urge me to do what they're going to do for the reasons they're going to do it. ARGH!

10:28 AM


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